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Cellular Animatic
Play Video
PPT - Suprarenal Glands
Storyboard (page one) for a power point presentation on suprarenal glands
PPT - Suprarenal Glands
Storyboard (page two) for a power point presentation on suprarenal glands
PPT - Suprarenal Glands
Storyboard (page four) for a power point presentation on suprarenal glands
PPT - Suprarenal Glands
Storyboard (page one) for a power point presentation on suprarenal glands
Interactive Animation - Z-Plasty
Storyboard (page 1/3) for an interactive animation depicting a Z-plasty advancement flap technique
Interactive Animation - Z-Plasty
Storyboard (page 2/3) for an interactive animation depicting a Z-plasty advancement flap technique
Interactive Animation - Z-Plasty
Storyboard (page 3/3) for an interactive animation depicting a Z-plasty advancement flap technique
Interactive Animation - Z-Plasty
Storyboard (page 1/3) for an interactive animation depicting a Z-plasty advancement flap technique
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